Support Engineer with Java or C

Step Up Professional HR Services

02-12-2013 | EXPIRA LA 01-01-2014

Job expirat


 design / implement specific algorithms and workflows in the form of plug-ins based on provided requirements and using MATLAB scripting and/or Java programming
 update and maintain previously developed plug-ins
 manually / automatically perform tests at system level for the developed plug-ins
 ocasionally do Simulink/TargetLink model analyses and document the findings


Technical skills:
 knowledge of MATLAB scripting (at least entry level) or C programming (at least medium level)
 knowledge of OOP (notions and principles of design) preferably Java
 Experience in Eclipse as IDE
 Scripting languages: Batch/DOS
 XML parsing (DOM), HTML/CSS (basic knowledge of HTML structure and style definition)
 Simulink/TargetLink modelling/usage

 Experience in software development ( automotive area is a plus)
 Experienced software developer in MATLAB is a plus

Personal skills:
 able to work in a team
 problem solving abilities

Language skills:
 fluent in spoken and written English
 German knowledge is a plus


We offer excellent compensation packages for both young and experienced engineers, that are highly motivated to bring a significant added value to our team and projects.
Thank you in advance and we are looking forward to meet you!


“ Fiecare clipa de cautare este o clipa de regasire” ( Paulo Coelho)

Sunteti in cautarea unui loc de munca? Simplificati-va acest proces de cautare, apeland la noi. Step Up va pune la dispozitie specialisti in domeniul Resurselor Umane care va vor oferi suport in dezvoltarea carierei dvs.

Va asteptam pentru a parcuge impreuna drumul spre atingerea obiectivelor dvs profesionale.

Step Up Professional HR Services