Job expirat
Grafton Ungaria recruteaza CROITORESE interesate de o relocare in UNGARIA.
Experienta in croitorie este esentiala.
absolvente gimnaziu (8 clase);
disponibilitatea de a lucra in doua schimburi;
rezistenta la activitati repetitive (monotone).
Compania ofera un salariu competitiv, asigura transportul si o serie de beneficii dupa perioada de proba.
Founded in 1982, Grafton Recruitment has established itself as a world class provider of recruitment solutions. Grafton has experienced an impressive growth pattern in the last five years. The network has built to a total of 70 branch operations spanning 19 different countries including the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Chile, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, Russia, Portugal, France, Austria, Belgium, Turkey, UAE and Romania.