Field Agronomist / Agronom Experimentari


22-02-2014 | EXPIRA LA 22-02-2014

Job expirat


You will be responsible for finding suitable trial sites according to the protocol or study plan, to meet the crop or environmental conditions and the application of treatments according to the rates and timings of application defined in the protocol or study plan.
Sampling of crops according to the protocol or study plan and respect for the application timings, the type of application, field conditions and health and safety. Help will also be required during harvest.
You will assess and observe the trials, according to the protocol, transcribe the data into a statistical package, and present in a suitable manner and transmit the data to the technical manager.

Misiunea dumneavastra este sa realizati si urmariti cîmpurile experimentale în conformitate cu principiile Bunelor Practici Experimentale (BPE), conform protocolurilor / planurilor de studiu, a Procedurilor Operationale Standardizate, ale normelor în vigoare.
Activitatile includ: Reperarea siturilor, Tratamente, Prelevari, Notatii, Recoltare si / sau distrugerea recoltei, Prelucrarea informatica a datelor


- 2nd year university level (Technical degree, University degree, Bachelor degree, …) in agronomy or engineering with 3 years successful experience in field testing.
- English language essential ; or French language; Computer literate
- Sense of initiative, working as a team, meticulous and good observer.

Inginer sau Tehnician superior în agricultura, cu minim 3 ani de experienta reusita în experimentare
Cunostinte în informatica : Word, Excel, Internet
Permis de conducere B
Engleza si/sau Franceza obligatoriu (scris, vorbit)
Constitue un + : permis C, E
Aveti spirit de initiativa, sunteti autonom dar si « un om de echipa », riguros, cu un bun simt de observare. Rezistenta la program prelungit în perioadele de vîrf de activitate.


- A permanent contrat as soon as possible (local contract ) ROMANIA
- Benefits: car, mobile, laptop
- Salary: Depending on professional experience
- Location: Urziceni, Ialomita

For those interested in the position, please send a English/French CV with photo and Letter of Intention to Marie Bove – HR Responsible (

Contract durata nedeterminata
Loc : Urziceni, judetul Ialomita
Avantaje : masina de serviciu, telefon, laptop
Salariu : în functie de experienta profesionala

Pentru candidatura : scrisoare de motivatie si CV cu poza prin mail, în franceza sau engleza
În atentia : Marie Bove – Responsabil Resurse Umane (


The STAPHYT company was created in France in 1989 to answer the customers´ needs in the field of agronomical research. Thanks to the experience of its 230 employees and the access to 67 stations in Europe, STAPHYT positions itself as a main company in plant protection products, seeds, as well as the management of products registration on the market for our clients.

STAPHYT’s ambition is to take up one of the worldwide challenges essential to us all:
To feed the population of the world while protecting the
environment and getting the means to work for Plant Health as part
of a modern and innovative agriculture.

A pioneer in Europe, STAPHYT turned to innovation and quality with a general policy of Sustainable Development. Excellence is one of our key-concerns. Our work is organized around quality standards widely recognized in Europe and in the world.